“The Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), the official regulator of Nigeria’s oil sector failed to pay N2 trillion revenue from domestic crude oil sales to the Federation Account between January and December 2013, investigations by Daily Trust on Sunday has revealed.”
Fidelis Mac-Leva and Daniel Adugbo.
The authors of the report based it on “a report the corporation [NNPC] submitted to the Federal Account Allocation Committee (FAAC) meeting in January 2014. For the sake of those who might not be aware, the FAAC monthly meeting is attended by the Minister of State for Finance, who must report back to the Minister, as well as all the state commissioners of finance. This revelation, if found to be true, means only one thing. Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, knew as far back as January last year that the NNPC was mismanaging funds
belonging to the entire country and she actively collaborated in the, perhaps, criminal cover-up of misappropriation of public funds. The N2 trillion withheld represented close to half of the total budget for 2013 and one entity was allowed to sit on that colossal amount.
Several questions and observations arise from this. But, there is one inescapable conclusion among others. Okonjo-Iweala had gone from the lofty heights of being a much respected and admired Managing Director of the World Bank to a former Finance Minister who can no longer be trusted with public funds. This is so because she is also implicated in the controversy regarding how $2 billion disappeared from the Excess Crude Account, ECA. Dr Ngozi, who first claimed the withdrawal was approved, later amended the story to declare that the approval came from Jonathan who was not vested with the power to unilaterally order such withdrawals. Furthermore, Nigerians were told that the funds were used to pay fuel subsidy claims by marketers. Again, it appears that only $1 billion was used for that purpose. Now Oshiohole is charging that $1 billion was released to fund Jonathan’s campaign.
Already, we are again being told that a lot more money was frittered away on Duty Waivers, an incredible percentage of which went to those not deserving of it because they fell outside of the policy guidelines for waivers. Here, again, the former Coordinating Minister for the Economy, CME, has been caught in a nasty dispute with critics.
SURE-P is another stinking can of worms waiting to be opened. The sudden closure of the SURE-P programme in several states, allegations of fraud in virtually every state has almost guaranteed that another probe will follow. Yet, as far back as 2012, Dr Ngozi was told on these pages that the SURE-P programme hastily prepared to pacify Nigerians was full of unachievable targets and based on shaky assumptions. That in the end it would turn out to be another drain-pipe. The last time the former CME made a statement about SURE-P, it was to announce the ordered arrest of one fellow who defrauded SURE-P and some of the beneficiaries. That was an accident certain to occur..
To call the entire episode messy would amount to the greatest understatement of the year. Any way one looks at it, the former Minister’s reputation is taking a beating from which it might never recover. If this continues much longer and more revelations are made, she might eventually find herself with no reputation to protect. Altogether, the picture that is emerging is not one of a prudent manager of the nation’s economic resources but a flagrant and complicit prodigal daughter. Dr Ngozi, in the end, totally subjugated economics to politics; she was just too eager to comply with any request by her political masters – especially the President. Certainly, she must have been operating on the assumption that Jonathan would be re-elected and all their misadventures will be covered up. That was a gamble with her reputation which has now back-fired. She would spend the rest of her days answering tough questions – in and out of court.
Court appearances are now inevitable – because massive probes of Duty Waiver, ECA, Sovereign Wealth Fund, NLGN transfers etc are no longer avoidable. It is difficult to imagine how she would come out totally exonerated in all these.
When former Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, Sanusi Lamido, first announced that about US$20 billion was missing from the Federation Account on account of shady activities of the NNPC, Okonjo-Iweala, was the first to ridicule the idea. To pacify Nigerians, a forensic audit was promised whose report was not published until over a year. Predictably, that “audit” which did the reputation of PriceWaterhouse no good, while accepting that NNPC had indeed withheld revenue meant for the Federation Account, pleaded guilty to a far smaller sum. Obviously, both the former Minister for Petroleum Resources and the Finance Minister, who had copies of the January 2014 report, must have concealed them. Was that a crime and were the two ladies, and others still to be named, deliberate conspirators or inadvertent collaborators? Given the mounting evidence of monumental misappropriation, fraud and embezzlement, few will believe them if they claim innocence.
“From the sublime to the ridiculous, there is only one step”, said Thomas Paine, 1737-1809. (VANGUARD BOOK OF QUOTATIONS p 236). Dr Okonjo-Iweala took that fatal step when she accepted to return as Minister of Finance. Perhaps if she had remained at the World Bank and applied for the Presidency of the African Development Bank, she, not Adesina, would be President of ADB today.
Ref: http://www.peoplesdailyng.com/okonjo-iweala-from-the-sublime-to-the-ridiculous/
This article is a very poor attempt to discredit the good work of Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala.
ReplyDeleteIt is as clear as day that the writer of this article is on a sponsored mission to denigrate Madam Iweala. The “copy and paste” blogger that published it is equally culpable. What kind of blogger posts such an old and baseless vituperation as this?
ReplyDeleteThis piece is skewed and substantially fallacious. It’s amazing how far people can go to achieve their ignoble objectives.
ReplyDeleteAnother article that makes absolute no sense.
ReplyDeleteWhat exactly is this author writing about? Have we forgotten how Okonjo Iweala catapulted the Nigerian economy into being the biggest in Africa? How she instituted accountability in governance and ensured that vested interests were flushed out of the system.
ReplyDeleteIt is only normal that we leave Okonjo-Iweala alone since she is no longer in governemnt. Do we still need to tell you that if you are not dumb? I don't know what this woman have done to ethnic jingoists like you has against her?
ReplyDeletePeople should allow Okonjo-Iweala be since she is no more i government. She had tried her best for this country and people should stop bordering her
ReplyDeleteI only wonder what this animal is talking about Dr Okonjo-Iweala who has used her expertise to boost the economy of the country when she held sway as coordinating minister of the economy.
ReplyDeleteAre people blind to see all the wonderful things she did when she held sway as coordinating minister of the economy. I just wonder how people reason anyway.
ReplyDeleteThere is no doubt that this article against Dr Okonjo-Iweala is mallicious and at the same time fallacious.
ReplyDeleteIt is very glaring that this author lacks content and should be humble enough to learn from those who knows more than him. This person should be seriously cautioned.
ReplyDeleteThis article against Okonjo-Iweala is completely lacking in substance and should be completely disregarded by all Nigerians.
ReplyDeleteThis is a propaganda against Okonjo Iweala. All the things said about her here is a lie. I mean big lies. God forgive you
ReplyDeleteThe image of Dr Okonjo-Iweala cannot be battered by any idiot. She is well recognised all over the world and that cannot be taken away from her.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWhat will you gain in spreading propaganda against Okonjo Iweala? She gave her best and should be appreciated. Madam Iweala only a wicked heart will deny what you have done for this country. You gave your best and nothing more. God bless you.
ReplyDeleteThis is ridiculous and uncalled for, why would you make a public show of a respectable and honorable woman like Okonjo-Iweala. This person must be fished out and thoroughly punished for his or her foolishness.
ReplyDeleteI am convinced that Dr. Okonjo-Iwealas enemies are on the leash again. They have been ridiculed by Nigerians and are desperate to look for other means to hurt our dear Madam Okonjo-Iweala, but this is another sham to your records!
ReplyDeleteAs far as I am concerned, Madam Okonjo-Iweala was not aware that NNPC was mismanaging our public funds. She a woman of integrity so, she's true to her words and will not jeopardize the future of Nigerians.
ReplyDeleteContrary to the writer's stance, Dr. Okonjo-Iweala is still respected and admired in Nigeria and in the world at large. She can be trusted with public funds again and again.
ReplyDeleteThere is no need for dialogue, Dr. Okonjo-Iweala will come out exonerated from these false accusations. Using words like 'flagrant' and 'complicit prodigal daughter' is uncalled for and rude.
ReplyDeleteFor crying out loud, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala is as sincere as an open book, she has given a clear account for every transaction she approved while she was the CME. Why shift the blame of others on the poor woman's head.
ReplyDeleteDr Okonjo-Iweala is too clean to be insulted by those who do not know their left from their right. They should even be sent to jail for attacking her personality.
ReplyDeleteThe truth is that you guys have a lot to loose with your continued negative propaganda against Okonjo-Iweala. Instead, you should all accept the fact that she is a champion.
ReplyDeleteMy joy is that at the end of the day, the former coordinating minister of the economy, Dr Okonjo-Iweala will overcome all her enemies and they would be put to shame.
ReplyDeleteSome people are just out to bring down the hard-working former Minister of Finance. What else can one do when you have the opportunity to work at the World bank yet you elect to serve your country? How unfair can one be when one have worked so hard yet treated so shabbily and unfairly?
ReplyDeleteNgozi Okonjo-Iweala has served this nation faithfully. This writer is only on a hate-mission to soil her formidable reputation. These kind of false stories will not sell.
ReplyDeleteIf anything Okonjo-Iweala has built a sustainable economy for this country; under her watch, many landmark economic reforms took place.
ReplyDeleteNgozi Okonjo-Iweala is a competent economist. She has built lasting economic legacies. We are proud of her.
ReplyDeleteThe only person who could have done this is someone who has been brainwashed and paid peanuts. Because, no amount of money can make anyone with integrity stoop so low to destroy another person's image
ReplyDeleteWhoever gave you the right and the privilege to do this has ruined your image for life, how much could you possibly get to tarnish another innocent soul. You have gone too far, you will receive your reward in many folds.
ReplyDeleteMadam Okonjo-Iweala remains one of the best gifts we have in Nigeria, and so I see no reason why some selfish people would want to spoil her image just because some big wigs have paid them peanuts. The law of Karma would catch up with you in no time, I promise.
ReplyDeleteNo doubt, this is the handiwork of Okonjo-Iweala's enemies. They will stop at nothing to frustrate her, but guess what; they have been defeated.
ReplyDeleteIt is alright for some people to shift the blame on Madam Okonjo-Iweala, when the real thieves are moving freely on our streets and bragging like they own the world.
ReplyDeleteWe should learn to appreciate a good gift when we see one, Okonjo-Iweala has done well as far as I am concerned.