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Friday, 6 March 2020

Significance Of Reliance (Tawakkul) On Allah (SWT) By Imam Yahya Alyolawi

Prophet Musa (AS) Cross the Red Sea
 All praise be to Allah, who suffices whoever that rely on Him. And may His peace and praises be on His messenger our Prophet Muhammad, all of his family, companions and those who follow his guidance until the Day of Resurrection.
Respected brothers and sisters in Islam, today’s sermon will discuss the topic: Significance of Reliance upon Allah (SWT). Tawakkul: Reliance on Allah is one of the greatest forms of worship. Allah says’ So upon Allah, put your trust if you are truly believers (Q5:2-3). Relying upon Allah (Tawakkul) means having Trust in Allah in all one’s affairs. The prophet (SAW) said “When you ask, ask of Allah and you seek aid, seek from Allah. (Abu Dharri by Muslim)
Tawakkul simply means trust of the heart in  Allah (SWT) alone. To act in accordance with the principles and laws of Shari’ah. Relying upon Allah is from the action of the heart. it is found in the heart, just like Khawf  and  Taqwaa (dutifulness of Allah) all these are acts of heart.

Relying on Allah has a great standing benefit amongst the practice of service to Allah. Allah uses it to distinguish His believing servants from everyone else. Therefore, whoever doesn’t put trust in Allah at all is  not a  true believer. And whoever puts his trust in Allah and also on other besides Allah (at the same time) is a polytheist. And as for the one who puts his trust in Allah alone – he is a monotheistic believer whom Allah loves and whose actions and statements He is pleased with.  
Relying on Allah means ensuring one’s affairs to Allah and relying on Him in all matters and difficulties. Ensuring one’s affairs to Allah entails not turning to someone else for unseen (Ghaib) or  things that Allah alone has the power giving him.
It means that your heart does not turn to anyone else besides Allah.
You can also read other lectures by  Imam Yahya Alyolawi
Click here to read 

The opposite; the pagans entrust their affair and put their trust in other besides Allah to grant their requests, alleviate their worries, and repel harms from them. So they relied on statues, idols, trees, stones, graves, shrines and diseased. This was the foundations of shirk.
“Put your trust in Allah alone not anyone else” So Allah restricted Tawakkul to Himself alone apart from others. He made tawakkul a great sign of One’s faith in Him and proof of One’s  Tauheed.

Benefits of Relying (Tawakkul) upon Allah (SWT).
v It is an indictor  for a sound Iman:- Allah (SWT) has made tawakkul (reliance on Him) a sign / Symbol of one’s faith in Him and proof of one’s Tawheed. He says:- “ so upon Allah, put your trust if you are truly believers (Q4:23)

v Allah Loves who relied on Him:-  Allah orders us to put our trust in Him and He praises those who do it. He also states in many verses that He loves those who put their reliance in Him.

v It allows perfections in decision making:    When one makes decisions to embark on marriage, businesses, trips, jobs etc he/ she should put trust in Allah for perfection.  Allah says: “So when you have made a decision, then put your trust in Allah (Q3v159).

v Allah is sufficient for us. When we relied on Him alone. He says: - “O Prophet Allah is sufficient for you and for the believers who follows you” (Q8v64).

v It provides way out from every difficulty; Every form of difficulties could be overcome easily by Tawakkul Allah says: - And whoever is dutiful to Allah, He makes a way out for him (from every difficulty). And He will provide for him places he never could imagine.

And whoever put his trust in Allah, He will suffice him. Verily, Allah has set a measure for all things (Q65v4-5).

v Tawakkul is linked directly to Ibadah (Worship) of Allah: Whoever constantly demonstrates the act of tawakkul (reliance of Allah) is observing an act of Ibadah (worship) of Allah. “So worship Him and put your trust in Him”. (Q 11v123).

Therefore, servants of Allah! Get hold strongly to tawakkul in all aspects of your lives. Allah orders us to put our trust in Him and He praises and loves those do it. He promises to provide their needs, protects them and grants bail from all forms of grieves, sorrow and pain on this world and thereafter. Put your trust in Allah that this is the highest symbol and sign of your Islam (Tawheed).

Have full Tawakkul (trust) in Allah (SWT) and never belittle that trust. For the trust we have in Allah is a path to success and a means to achieving victory. Never lose hope and always remember that the situation of a true believer is always one of goodness: For when they are granted a blessing from Allah (SWT) they praise Him and due to that they are rewarded and their blessings increase and when a calamity strikes they patiently persevere, and as a result of which they are rewarded and granted something better than what they lost.

Put your trust in Allah. Allah loves those that trust [in Him].

[Surah al-Imran 3: 159]

Know that Allah (SWT) is pleased with those servants who persevere and He (SWT) loves those that trust in Him. Build a strong foundation of trust and allow for it to accompany you in all that you do. For it is a quality that will remain sufficient for you in the matters of this world, your deen (religion) and in the Aakhira (hereafter) insha'Allah. A beautiful example that never fails to touch my heart is that of our mother: Umm Salamah (RA), when her husband Abu Salamah (RA) passed away and she remained steadfast, uttering the best statement at the time of any calamity: 'Inna Lillaahi wa inna ilayhi raaji'oon -Surely to Allah we belong and surely to Him we will return'. And she received exactly as Allah (SWT) promises: blessings and mercy:

'And give good news to those who persevere, those who say, when a misfortune strikes them, Surely to Allah we belong, and surely to Him we will return, these are the ones on whom blessings from their Lord descend, and mercy, and these are the ones who are rightly guided'.

[Surah Al-Baqarah 2: 155-157]

Our Lord (SWT) With His Hikmah, Love and Rahmah knows exactly what is good for us, so let us not be amongst the sinful servants of Allah (SWT) who suspect Him of wrongdoing. So the next time you stand before Allah (SWT) and consult Him in your affairs, don't think He'll give you what is good for you; know with certainty that He (SWT) will:
'Say: "Nothing will befall us except what Allah has ordained for us. He is our Protector. In Allah let the believers put their trust."
[Surah At-Tawbah: 51]
   We ask Allah the most high, to continue to guide and protect us, protect our leaders, our security     personals and the entire Muslims of this country.  Ameen 
You can also read other lectures by  Imam Yahya Alyolawi
Click here to read 

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