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Thursday, 22 December 2016


   EMERGING AFRICAN DESPOTS: While some African leaders follow the path of true democracy by relinquishing power when their time is up, others with violent and dictatorial tendencies chose to find excuses to stay beyond what their constitutions stipulates. Though it is not a new thing to "sit tight" in power in Africa as seen with Museveni of Uganda, Al-Bashir of Sudan, Dos Santos of Angola, Biya of Cameroon and Pa Mugabe of Zimbabwe; these leaders have in one way or the other violated the laws of their lands to illegally continue to stay in power against the will of majority of their citizens. Today, however, we are faced with a new set of "kids on the block" - the likes of Nkurunziza of Burundi, Kabila of Congo, Jammeh of The Gambia and
a deliberate constitutional crisis in Guinea Bissau by the president are all indicators that more and more dictators are emerging and rearing their ugly heads on the continent. Though AU and other regional bodies like ECOWAS and SADC are there but it seems their interventions never made any difference largely due to poverty and illiteracy that bedeviled most of the African voters - politicians always use poverty and ignorance to subjugate their followers into submission. So sad!

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