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Governor Ganduje During prayer for President Buhari |
2017/26 J/ULA 1438AH
In the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most
My dear respected brothers and sisters in
Islam, Today’s sermon will discuss the topic:Du’a the Most powerful weapon of a
The term Du’a is an Arabic word which simply means invocations
and supplications.Du’a is the Arabic root word of Da’aa meaning to 'call out,
to summon and to pray for something. In Islam, Du’a is the act
of supplication and
calling out to Allah [SWT] for His mercy and assistance; it
is a conversation between servant and his Creator the sustainer, the provider for all, the most High,
the Lord, the All Knowing, and the All Powerful. Du’a (prayers) can
uplift, empower, liberate, heal, restore, rebuild and transform things or
individuals. It is one of the most powerful and effective act of worship in the
sight of Allah. Du’a (prayer) has been called the weapon of the believer.
It affirms a person’s belief and need to his creator Almighty.
Du’a (prayers) can be made for self, individuals, families,
friends and most importantly righteous and honest leaders, country and even for
the whole of humanity. Dua serves as a means for Muslim to rekindle his connection
to Allah at any given time. When making du’a (prayers) it is encouraged to ask
for yourself and others the goodness in this life and in the hereafter.
With prayers one
can never fail; without it one can never succeed. Looking very closely to
this life, (prayer) should be the first and the last option of the believer,
for all his plans actions and inactions prayer must come in between.
Some of the verses and ahadith on the power of prayer (Du’a)
1. Allah SWT grants
servant’s prayers at any time and in any place: "And when my servants, ask
you [O Muhammad] concerning Me, (tell them) indeed I am nearer (to them). I
respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon me."
[2:186] And He also says: "Call
on Me; I will answer your (Prayer) indeed, those who disdain My worship
will enter Hell contemptible” Q 40:60
2. Whatever you need just turn to Allah (SWT): “ O mankind! You are those indeed in
need of Allah while Allah is the free of need, the praiseworthy. [Qur'an 35:15]
3. Always Pray and put your
trust to Allah [SWT]: The prophet (SAW) was reported to have said:
"Verily your Lord is the One modest and Generous, and when His servant
raises his hands to Him in supplication, He is diffident (shy) from returning
them empty." [Ahmad, Abu Dawud and at-Tirmidhi - Hasan]
4. Du’a is part and parcel of ibadah: Allah says: “ You Alone
we worship and You Alone we ask for help”. (Quran 1:5). The Prophet
Muhammad (SAW) said,‘Dua is worship.’ (Trimizi) He further specified that and
said “the most excellent worship is dua supplication.’ (Haakim)
5. Bounties of Allah will never end because
of Dua (prayers)
“…O My servants, were the first of you and the last of you, the human of you
and the jinn of you to rise up in one place and make a request of Me, and were
I to give everyone what he requested, that would not decrease what I have, any
more than a needle decreases the sea if put into it. O My servants, it is but
your deeds that I reckon up for you and then recompense you for, so let him who
finds good praise Allah, and let him who finds other than that blame no one but
himself." Muslim.
6. Pray for yourself and others:
The prophet (SAW) was reported to have said “The dua of a
Muslim for his brother in his absence is readily accepted. An angel is
appointed to his side. Whenever he makes a beneficial dua(prayers) for his
brother the appointed angel says, Ameen. And may you also be blessed with the
same” muslim
Here, My brothers and sisters in Islam, if praying for other earns blessings and reward to a
Muslim, then praying for Leaders to be able to lead people righteously and
honestly has greater chances of getting reward and blessings of Allah. So also
Praying for otherscanbe part of the
sincere advice that Muslims are required to give to their brothers and sisters in Islam. “The
Prophet (SAW) said, ‘The religion is sincerity.’ We said ‘To whom?’ He said,
‘To Allah, His Book, and His Messenger and to Muslim Leaders and their common
At same time, We should warn against the practice of those who
do not have knowledge and whose habit is to insult their sincere Leaders and
curse them in word or in action as that will end upcumulating sins for them if
they did not stop it.Muslims should pray and offer sincere advice to their
leaders, but should abstain from cursing, attacking, black- mailing them for
fear that this might destroy the unity of the Ummah, and cause a larger evil
than the one they seek to remove. This, if it happens, will only please fools,
wrong doers and the enemies of unity and progress of our nation. My dear respected brothers and sisters in
Islam, we should always remember that when Leaders are righteous, the Nation
will benefit as a whole.Do not curse your leaders and pray Allah to strengthen
andmake them righteous, for their righteousness brings about your well-being as
are sample of some of prophets Dua and supplications:
Prophet Adam (A.S) when he turn to Allah in repentance: "Our Lord! We have
wronged ourselves. If You forgive us not, and bestow not upon us Your Mercy, we
shall certainly be of the losers." Q:7.023
2. Prophet Nuh (Noah A.S) said: "My Lord!
Leave not one of the disbelievers on the earth! "If You leave them, they
will mislead Your slaves, and they will beget none but wicked disbelievers. My
Lord! Forgive me, and my parents, and him who enters my home as a believer, and
all the believing men and women. And to the Zalimun (polytheists, wrong-doers,
and disbelievers, etc.) grant You no increase but destruction!"
3.Prophet Yunus (A.S)
repenting to Allah in the belly of the whale:
La ilahailla Anta
[none has the right to be worshipped but You (O Allah)], Glorified (and
Exalted) are You [above all that (evil) they associate with You]. Truly, I have
been of the wrong-doers." Q21.087
4.Prophet Ayyub after he was ill for many years:
"Verily, distress has seized me, and You are the Most Merciful
of all those who show mercy."
5. Prophet Ibrahim
(A.S) and his followers to Allah when dealing with the idol worshippers:
." Our Lord! In You (Alone) we put our trust, and to You (Alone) we turn
in repentance, and to You (Alone) is (our) final Return”
6) Dua of Musa (Moses,
A.S) for any good: "My Lord! Truly, I am in need of whatever good
that You bestow on me!" Q28.24
7) Du’a of the people
of the Cave: "Our Lord! Bestow on us mercy from yourself, and facilitate
for us our affair in the right way!"
Q 18.10
8) Dua of Yusuf ( A.S)
for Allah to make him die as a muslim: “The (only) Creator of the heavens and
the earth! You are my Wali (Protector, Helper, Supporter ...) in this world and
in the Hereafter, cause me to die as a Muslim (the one submitting to Your
Will), and join me with the righteous." Q12.101
9. Dua of the
believers whom Pharaoh was threatening to torture for their belief: “Our Lord!
pour out on us patience, and cause us to die as Muslims." Q7.126
10. Dua made by the
messenger [SAW] in Badr:Narrated By Ibn Abbas: On the day of the battle of
Badr, the Prophet said, "O Allah! I appeal to You (to fulfil) Your
Covenant and Promise. O Allah! If Your Will is that none should worship You
(then give victory to the pagans)." Then Abu Bakr took hold of him by the
hand and said, "This is sufficient for you." The Prophet came out
saying, "Their multitude will be put to flight and they will show their
backs." [SahihBukhari,
Allah says (Remember)
when you sought help of your Lord and He answered you (saying): "I will
help you with a thousand of the angels each behind the other (following one another)
in succession." (Q: 8:9).
Finally, my
brothers and sisters in islam. We should try to keep on making du’a not only to ourselves but also for our parents, brothers and sisters, spouses and
children and ourrelatives we should not also forget to pray for
our dear country, our president MuhammaduBuhari may Allah (SWT) grant him
quick recovery and complete shifaa. AMEEN
Contact: yahyalyolawi@gmail.com
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